Projects by GADST

Langar Sewa

Guru Amar Das Sewa Trust is a group of volunteers dedicated to feed the patient attendants at public healthcare facilities. It is evident that patients from all parts of country reach to All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) for treatment. Their relative are low on resources while the patients are admitted for treatment. They often starve or forced to consume low quality food due to adverse finanfical conditions. We started with bringing them quality foods once a week. This weekly lunger is prepared with highest quality material by in house volunteers. We soon learned that people in hospital dont have any arrangements for monring tea. We expanded our budgets and also started bringing them daily breakfast. We thank all our volunteers and contributors for their selfless support. We look forward for continued financial and volunteer support to meet our requirements in future. Do pray for us!

Happy moments for Child Patients

We learnt that there are a large number of child patients in AIIMS that need moments of happiness amidst their sufferings. We gathered some stationary and occasionally organized drawing competitions. It is notable that EVERY child in these competitions are awarded with prizes to spread positivity and bring happiness. We occasionally celebrate birthday of one such child patiend where all others are invited to some restouranat to have quality meals.

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Daily Breakfast Langar

Daily Breakfast langar sewa is offered outsite AIIMS in New Delhi. Tea and snacks are served to patients and attendants.

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Weekly Langar Sewa

Quality langar is served every wednesday at AIIMS hospital in Delhi. Hundreds of patients, their attendants and other un-affording peple take laha of this sewa.

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Kirtans & Competitions

GADST organizes bi-annualy Gurmat Kirtan Samagams, Sikhi related events and Competitions to encourage sikh values.

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Drawing Competitions

We organize drawing and painting competitions for Child Patients at AIIMS to bring smiles on thair faces and encourage positivity.

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